Hey there. We are still Working on things but thanks to Kayori, the layout is getting better looking and everything but we are still working on adding more games and more things to make us interesting. Which if anyone would like to help us, please let me know over on Discord.As for staff roles that we are looking for, Deck makers or Games Assistant. To get the jobs, you must talk to me on discord and show me what you can do.
Other then that, I'm looking for photos for more decks. I want to do some movies but Godzilla photos are mostly the 2014 one which I love but I wanna do a deck with all Godzillas over the years. Also I want to do at least one deck per set. So far we got anime, games, comics, animals, Tv Shows and other. So feel free to donate.
Oh if you wish to know what kind of decks that I'm willing to post on here, well I got a simple answer for you. EVERYTHING. Anime, Manga, Games, Movies, TV Shows, Plants, Bands, Solo Singers, Comics and so much more. Think of this TCG when I say everything. XD
Posted on 01 Jul 2021 by SalyaDarken | Comments: 0
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